Surrounded, I stood in the darkness of Skull Valley. Ancient Junipers revealed strangely familiar ancestral faces. Each twisted Manzanita, not unlike a labyrinth, traced the story of my life’s journey. Out of the shadows created by the rising moon appeared the image of the weathered grandmother who would later come to weave her wisdom into my dream time. Why? I questioned. Why, in everything surrounding, do I always find the depth of my soul revealed? The dark haired medicine woman spun around, grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, and said, “Don’t you know? You, my friend, are a Shadow Walker. That IS your gift.” In that moment, I knew no truer words had ever been gifted me. The shamanic path is one of relentless initiation and self-examination. While we welcome the beauty of forging relationships with nature and the compassionate spirits who support her, we're also charged with excavating the depths of darkness within ourselves for illumination and transmutation. We shine in the light, soar on the wind, and dance through the fire. Yet, we also see through the eyes of the Shadow Walker – the one who's mission it is to explore what lies beneath the surface in order to identify and confront our deepest wounds and fears. Those who choose the shamanic way understand this darkness is sacred space that holds the potential for deep healing. We commit to navigating this realm, and all those we enter, in cooperation with Spirit and always with permission and integrity. We do not manipulate at will or invade uninvited. We support the potential for healing to occur and honor each soul’s right to chose their path. The Shadow Walker is one who deeply explores in search healing and revelation while holding strong to a clear code of ethics and committing to never harm. If you're now ready to stand in the footsteps of the Shadow Walker and confront fears that may be limiting your personal power, consider joining me, Gina Millard, for my upcoming workshop, "Journeying Through Fear for Change" on Sunday, March 18th. Completion of a beginning shamanic journeying workshop with an approved instructor is required for participation in this class.
Gina Millard Categories
HoursT-F: 11am - 7pm
Sun: 11:am - 7pm |
Telephone(502) 553-2742