Have you ever felt overwhelmed by or just plain fed with the toxic energy of a situation that's seemingly beyond your control? Do you sometimes find yourself triggered by others or even by your own thoughts and emotions? Well, congratulations! You're human.
Do you wish to respond with thoughtfulness and calmness in conversations with coworkers, friends, or family members? Do you long to be in a place of simplicity and fulfillment without the need for more? This and more is possible when you become fluent in working with the sacred space between.
Do you know that space? It's the one that exists between stimulus and response, between you and I, and between all we interact with? It is a sacred place of pure potential, magic, and choice.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Attributed to Viktor E. Frankl
In this workshop we will learn to work with this sacred space between for healing and mindful communication as we explore the difference between reaction and response. This healing field can come to be a place of witnessing and peace rather than a channel for overwhelm.
* Completion of a compatible beginning shamanic journeying workshop is required. Please contact me with any questions regarding this requirement before registering.
Workshop Details Date: Sunday, June, 23, 2024 Time: 10:00 - 4:00pm (End time may vary depending on the group. I always try to wrap up on time.)
Location: The Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve 12501 Harmony Landing, Goshen, KY 40226
Provided: Snacks and Beverages (Please bring a sack lunch.)
Cost: $175 To register by mail, contact Gina for instructions.